Time to Chukka It

One of the great things about the internet is that you can track down items of very specific interest. Steve McQueen, as we all know, looked great in Bullit. Debate rages over the chukka boots he wore, and I try not to involve myself in such debates, but I reckon Sanders and Sanders have it pretty much pegged. And a fine company they are too, making shoes since 1873. Must take a trip to the shoe museum in Northampton sometime, actually.
Not knowing about these, I bought the closet I could find. Otherwise, I would have snapped them up. They can be worn almost year round with the British weather and look great, well, when worn like Steve. When I've worn out my pale imitations, I'll get a pair. Wardrobe space being at a premium, I'm adopting a one in/ one out policy at the moment. You know how it is.
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