Tweed Pig Pin-Up - Robbie Humphries

Robbie Humphries - Humphries and Begg
Are you mesmerised by the moustache in the photo above? We were. It belongs to Robbie Humphries and made him an instant dear friend of The Tweed Pig. Robbie Humphries is one of the names behind the London-based clothing label Humphries and Begg and singer in the bands The Cash Cows and Maybe Myrtle Tyrtle (who recorded the rather jolly We're Not Alone, as you'll recall).
About the Photo - Of Moustaches and Bow Ties
Tell us about the photo Robbie.
"The occasion is my very good friends wedding. I was playing in the band, The Cash Cows, it was a beautiful day and one of the best weddings I've been to. My tails jacket was made in Vienna. I got it second hand and it fits me just right. I have a tailored shirt on made by my Humphries and Begg. We don't often do white shirts, as we usually focus a lot more on colour. The Bow tie is very interesting, an American "butterfly" model that simply clasps onto my shirt collar. Sadly it was lost when my bag was stolen from a gig just before Christmas.
"The Moustache... I started growing a moustache while travelling round Europe in my first year at university. A friend suggested that I just let it grow and so I did. I got lots of attention from old Greek ladies who said I was like the sailor boys of their youth. It made me laugh when I looked in the mirror, to be honest it still does!"
The story of the moustache then took the familiar path of moustache-based existential angst followed by redemptive reconciliation. Was Robbie wearing the moustache for others or himself? Was the moustache wearing Robbie or Robbie wearing the moustache? During this inner struggle it was shaved off a couple of times, but now it's back with a vengeance:
"I decided to grow it again until I could see it without a mirror and roll it around a 2p coin. I can do that now. The moustache has (quite literaly) grown on me, so it stays. A moustache works better with a smile."
Thanks Robbie. We wish you luck in your endeavours.
About Humphries and Begg
The ethos of Humphries and Begg is to produce quality clothes that stand out a little. Robbie says:
"We are anti-bland. There is not enough time in the world to follow a pack, especially these days our tastes can become so much more individual and we like to reflect this in our clothes. All our buttons are vintage sourced from old french factories that have closed down long ago. We are the only people who can get our linen in the UK. Our velvet is made in England and is some of the finest around. We focus on quality but I am very much against charging the earth for it. I like to keep prices fair and affordable. If no one can buy your things why make them?"
The Paddington coat from Humphries and Begg (below) is made in London. The outer fabric is a brown waterproof wax cotton. It has a corduroy lining under the collar and a storm flap and waist cinch at the back.

Tweedy's Thought: We've had three pin-ups with taches, but you don't need one gents. You just need, well, you don't need anything. If you want to promote something too - fine with us - we'll try to help out. Step forward, you never know.
Tweedy's Second Thought: I'm still waiting for someone to help record Theme Tune to The Tweed Pig. I'm probably still waiting as I haven't mentioned it. I'd like it to be something like the old theme to Rutherford's Miss Marple films with a bit of spoken word over the top like Bogarde's Lyrics for Lovers album. Thanks.
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