Mother's Tea Rooms & RAF Tea - Castle Cary

Mother Knows Best

For a small Somerset market town, Castle Cary punches well above its weight in terms of tea rooms. Three at the last count and one more on the way. Brew and I will come.

Mother's Little Tea Rooms has been open for a couple of years and offers many speciality teas. I forget exactly what's on offer, but rest assured it was a long list of teas, full of the intriguing, the familiar and the rare.

I normally go for a rose tea in these situations. Was it on the list? Again, I can't remember. Perhaps someone could clarify?

Anyway, a friend in our party recommended RAF tea from the Rare Tea Co, so we plumped for a pot of that. An excellent choice, William.

RAF tea is a blend to "keep you calm in times of national peril and fortified when courage is required". So you can drink it any time really. (See video from dear new friend Alexander Armstrong extolling its virtues below.)

Anarchy in the Tea Rooms

I was feeling a little anarchic that day. To the surprise of even myself, I selected rhubarb and ginger jam for my cream tea instead of strawberry. Some of you traditionalists out there may well be thinking I've taken leave of my senses.

All I can say is try it. Mind-blowing.

Alexander Armstrong on RAF Tea


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