Fred Perry

The most important label I can add to the posts I make here is 'Made in the UK'. I want our manufacturing back, I want us to make the clothes (and anything else) that dressed (and anything else) the world again. I want us all to buy smarter and dress smarter - buy to last and support the manufacturers that do things well. This seeking of authenticity extends around the globe though, so do let me know of any heritage brands that have become obscured in this world of fast fashion and lifestyle branding in your neck of the woods.
Although in Japanese ownership now, I've started to see Made in England labels in Fred Perry polo shirts again. That's our Fred with Marlene Dietrich above. This gave me inordinate cheer. I recently bought a Made In Japan version, as I'd read the pique was superior to the Made in Italy versions. I didn't notice the difference and quite frankly the shape was more designed for a Japanese man than me. Quite short. I'm girding to purchase another, and a Made in England this time — very pleased that I have this option once more.
Liking the Laurel
I've said before that the Japanese might just value our clothing heritage more than we do, so it makes sense that they wanted to put that Made in England label back in, even if it's to make the product more saleable in Japan.At some stage we need to debate the merits of Fred Perry against Lacoste. I like Lacoste polo shirts, particularly if you can find an original Made in France, but there is a whiff of either Chevy Chase suburban American or French exchange student about them. Fred Perry, with its skinhead past is the somewhat edgier option. But they seemed a bit cheap and badly made for a while. I hope this is being addressed. I like the laurel.
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