Summer Slip-Ons

What Hath Night to Do with Sleep?

If  I dreamt of heaven, it might well be in the image of a transparent sea calmly lapping at the shore on a fine summer's night.

What would I be wearing on my feet? you ask. I would be seated wearing a pair of slip-on shoes in unlined leather (to absorb the sweat when going without socks), gin in hand. Such shoes would mean seamless navigation of a heavenly summer's day and night. You can wear them to the beach, on to the restaurant, continue to the club, and then wherever you find yourself afterwards, and never look out of place — the word is versatile. Who says heaven has to be impractical?

I suspect these horsebit loafers — with classic hand-sewn beef roll moccasin construction and welted sole — will be scarred and battered from all the summer activity, as they should be — so for this purpose, it's a capital idea to avoid investment-grade shoes that can't take the merry-go-round.

Summer tip: Load up on unlined loafers of every denomination and colour and keep them on standby for getaways.


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